1 min read

Long Day & Short Prose

Busy doesn’t mean you can stop writing
Long Day & Short Prose
Seabright Dock © by Dave Graham

It’s been a long day here, but I’ve purposed to write each day of the week this year, so, while brief, here’s my entry in the diary for today.

I’m in Nova Scotia at my in-law’s house and have spent the last day and a half learning new stories and old tales. I’ve been on a mission here to look at potential future places for Emma and me to reside once the world stops spinning our stories for us. It’s been a heady rush of cultural ingestion and appreciation and wrestling with what it means to be a part of a community which, while similar, is uniquely foreign enough to warrant deeper thinking.

Dinners have been beautiful moments of connection, hearing histories that haven’t been told to this out-law before and learning even more about what my wife’s family are composed of. It’s a beautiful reminder that family is more than the sum of its parts and is often overlooked because we’re too close to the problem. Sometimes, the outside perspective is what’s needed.

I’ve eaten well, engaged well, and entirely too well, and I’m full of everything my body and soul need. How often can we honestly say this and mean every single word? Very rarely, I’d reckon.

Here’s to hoping the balance of your week is as outstanding as the beginning, that your winters are turning to spring, and that the stories you tell are a part of gathering even more meaning and purpose in the year ahead.

May it ever be so.